Turquoise – Turquoise was highly valued by the Egyptians and Chinese often seen as a stone of good luck, protection and an increase in wealth. It has been used within jewellery and other amulets for centuries. Its main wellbeing properties would be for its communicative abilities and its ability to bring wholeness to the wearer balancing masculine and feminine, harmonising the whole of oneself. Wearing Turquoise can assist those who are shy to speak out and to help them share their wisdom and allowing us to realize that we each have something important to share within the world. Turquoise will assist in bringing about a sense of peace and serenity. Its association with the chakra system Turquoise would be mainly related to the throat chakra but also the third eye chakra. Other wellbeing properties associated with Turquoise are Self Forgiveness, Self Acceptance and Spiritual Expansion.
Lava stone – A very protective stone which has formed from the magma within volcanic rock. It’s grounding properties assists in keeping a person feeling safe, secure, calm and being fully present within the world. It ignites the flame within and will assist you in following your true path in life. It can assist in motivating you within the world and to carry out your tasks overcoming any fears or obstacles that you may encounter.
Lavendar Essential Oil – The Oil of Communication – The lovely floral aromas of Lavendar essential oil will immediately take you to a place of calmness. This oil assists with self expression and in bringing out the “True Self”. It assists in calming and reducing fear with all situations and with self. An oil that helps us to be truly honest with ourselves assisting us to rise above all fearful aspects of self and being one with our own Higher Consciousness. It is a very useful oil when meditating and will help us to reach a deeper spiritual connection. By turning inward and being aware of our inner wisdom we can reach a higher awareness of Self, becoming aligned with Spirit. Lavendar Essential Oil assists us in creating the calm within, to reach that place where internal peace lies beneath the turmoil of life and allows our Divine Self to express and communicate outwardly within the world.
Safety Information – Caution should always be adhered to when using essential oils especially when pregnant and for use with children. Seek professional advice if in doubt.
Click here to see How to use your Essential Oil Diffuser Bracelet, which includes safety information